Sunday, May 23, 2010

23 May 2010

Well today has been a lovely sunny day, and to be honest a lovely week weather-wise.  Twice this week i have managed to go to the beach and get the sand in between my toes.

Its interesting to see how the sunny weather can affect your mood, your music choice what you want to do.

I have been listening to Twilight Soundtrack recently, there are some really good artists including the bloke who plays Edward Cullen.  I have been looking at the different artists on iTunes to try and expand the genre of music that i play and the artists.

I find myself wanting to learn how to play the piano all over again just in order that i can play 'Bella's Lullaby'.  I have always had a musical ear, its just my plain laziness that i never went past grade one. (That or i didn't like the teacher much).

I have been looking at my self from another persons point of view and although i am little miss sunshine at work, out of work i am very boring.  I tend to just  potter round the garden, listen to music, watch the TV and read a lot.  I am trying to make a more concerted effort to go out more with friends and my husband.  Its all too easy to spend so much time at home ignoring the world and everyone in it wrapped up in your own little fantasy world, hoping that no-one breaks into it.

So many times have i thought of putting my thoughts and fantasy's down on paper, but alas time always catches up and its time to do something else.

A catch up for my week, well i have read 4 books, i read the first three of the twilight saga in three days, then i read a book called Genesis by Karin Slaughter.  I have also listened to many tunes and watched a few films, all of which has been completed out of my working hours.  I am waiting to read the last twilight book until it is published in paperback to the size that i prefer... i'm a creature of habit and like my books to be all the same size on the shelf.

I have just picked up a book called The girl with the dragon tattoo, which is the first of a trilogy by Stieg Larsson... here goes............

Monday, May 17, 2010


Do any of us ever really know who we are? How much do we have to learn about ourselves let alone other people, and why are we always able to find the faults in others and ignore our own faults?

I often find questions like these hard to deal with, and when i am in a depressive slump find that ant hills have become volcano's overnight. It would help if i was one of those people who could just 'talk'. Instead i am one of those individuals that bottles everything up and can't get better until i am ready to talk. I cannot be persuaded to talk before hand, it just doesn't work.

Its in times like these that i am most able to find the faults in my husband more than myself, and , when able to talk can start to see my faults again... he gets blamed far too easily and suffers for it.

I intend to use this blog as a gateway to my thoughts and daily life and activities...wont that be exciting. Hopefully someone will find it interesting.